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Airtable Automation Accelerator

Master Airtable Fast.

Sick of spreadsheets? Airtable Automation Accelerator will help you build automations that save time and boost productivity. Skip the YouTube Rabbit Hole, and learn everything you need transform your business with Airtable.


Ah, the joy...

... of endlessly copying and pasting cells, wrestling with formulas only a rocket scientist could love, and manually updating records as if you've got all the time in the world. Because who wouldn't want to spend their day trapped in spreadsheet purgatory, right? 🤦🏻‍♂️

But unfortunately, in today's world, efficient data management is not merely a luxury, it's a necessity.

Perhaps you've been trapped in the quagmire of manual data entry, each keystroke stealing precious seconds from your workday. Or maybe you're wrangling with cumbersome Excel spreadsheets, where the problem isn't just the limitation in features but also the constant need for updates, version controls, and backups. Data errors, whether they're due to formula mistakes or human error, become not just a technical problem but a strategic issue that can lead to misguided business decisions. Moreover, the hours spent on creating, updating, and fixing these traditional databases could be better invested in strategic planning or customer engagement.

Believe it or not, I was once a devoted member of the 'I Hate Spreadsheets' club too, blissfully unaware that life could be any different. That is, until I found my golden ticket out: Airtable. I'll tell you more on that later.

I Need To Learn Airtable, Quick!

Airtable is Your Spreadsheet Slaying Hero 🥷🏼

Picture this: a digital workspace that's so easy to use, it makes your spreadsheets look like ancient relics. Imagine a place where data sings, formulas don't bite, and automations are more like friendly robots than an indecipherable coding language. 

We're talking Airtable, the modern alternative that's part spreadsheet, part database, and 100% more fun to use. 

This is why thousands of businesses are now using Airtable, and for good reason.

With Airtable:

✅  Data actually becomes useful (shocking, right?)

✅  Collaboration doesn't involve five versions of the same Excel file named "FINAL-v2-reallyfinal-thisoneisit.xlsx"

✅  Your time is spent on actual work that moves the needle, not on spreadsheet upkeep

In other words, Airtable is the productivity tool you didn't know you were missing but will soon wonder how you ever lived without.


This is Your Ticket to Airtable Mastery

Let's get real: you could spend hours, days, or even weeks trawling through random tutorials and forums—or you could join the Airtable Automation Accelerator and learn from someone who's been there, done that, and got the productivity gains to prove it.

Here's what makes our course special:

  • Tailored Learning Modules: From mapping your processes to troubleshooting, we cover it all in bite-sized lessons.
  • Expert Guidance: Why fumble in the dark when you can have a seasoned Airtable pro light the way?
  • Ongoing Support: Stuck? Tune-in to our weekly group coaching call with all your questions, and take advantage of our trained help bot 24/7.
  • Real-world Applications: We don't just teach theory; we show you how to apply these skills in your business.

Skip the YouTube Rabbit Hole. Get ready to elevate your productivity game to levels you didn't even know were possible.

Ok, I'm Sold. Let's Do This!

50+ video lessons

Get strategic, step-by-step videos to help you build your first automation or level-up your current Airtable skills.

Workflow Mapping

Receive advanced instruction from a process mapping expert. Dave Bayless teaches a bonus chapter for expert workflow maps.

Advanced Formula Tutorial

Learn my proven method for putting together a complicated formula by breaking it into bite-sized pieces.

Interviews with Airtable Add-Ons

Watch interviews with founders of tools that add-on to Airtable and discover new ways to extend your workflow!

24/7 Access to Support AI Bot

Ask our trained bot your questions at any time. Receive an answer that includes time stamped videos to enhance your learning.

Weekly Group Coaching

Continue your learning by joining live calls weekly, or grab the replay at any time. Meet fellow Airtable enthusiasts and get your questions answered.

Anna Wolf

"I built the editorial calendar of my dreams (we're a content marketing agency). We've tried every editorial calendar tool out there, but the one we built in Airtable has functionality I've fantasized about for years. Now we have a master calendar of all the content currently in production, while clients get their own personalized calendars AND they can submit content requests that go straight to the calendar. And we're still thinking of ways to make it better. We love it!"

My Personal Airtable Journey

From Spreadsheet Slave to Automation Ace

I Was That Guy—Drowning in Spreadsheets and Missing Out on Life. Until Airtable.

Let me take you back to 2017. I was knee-deep in a corporate job, managing finances for a billion-dollar company. Sounds fancy, right? Except I was stuck updating spreadsheets that would make a labyrinth look straightforward. The irony? This corporate giant was still relying on me to print reports on 11x17 paper like it was 1979. Talk about being stuck in a time warp!

That's when Airtable waltzed into my life. At first, I was skeptical. Another tool claiming to solve all my problems? But as I dived deeper, I realized Airtable was no ordinary platform. It was like someone handed me a magic wand for data management. Emails, invoices, schedules, you name it—suddenly everything was automated, streamlined, and actually made sense.

I knew I was onto something big. So, I took it upon myself to become an Airtable expert and started GAP Consulting. Fast forward to today, and I've helped hundreds thousands of businesses break free from their spreadsheet shackles and soar to new heights with Airtable.

If I can go from being a spreadsheet slave to becoming an Airtable ace, so can you. And that's exactly why I created the Airtable Automation Accelerator course—to give you the roadmap I wish I had.


This Isn't Just Another Airtable Course...

It's Your Unfair Advantage

Look, the internet is flooded with Airtable tutorials, hacks, and YouTube videos. You could spend days, weeks, or even months trying to piece it all together. Or, worse yet, hire a freelancer and hope they don't mess up your data more than a toddler with a paintbrush. But why settle for uncertainty and inefficiency when you can get it right, right now?

Airtable Automation Accelerator is the only course that gives you:

  1. Insider Knowledge: With me, Gareth, guiding you, you're learning from someone who has been in the trenches, made the mistakes, and found the shortcuts. It's like having an Airtable Yoda on your team.

  2. Hands-On Modules: We cover everything from the nitty-gritty details of table mapping to the wizardry of complex automations. Other courses gloss over these. We make them our playground.

  3. Troubleshooting Savvy: Ever built an automation that went rogue? Yeah, it's like constructing a robot that turns against you. Our course teaches you how to fix what's broken and preemptively avoid future hiccups.

  4. Ongoing Support: Join our weekly group coaching calls to get all your questions answered, and chat with our trained help bot 24/7. We don't just give you a map; we're your co-pilot through this journey.

  5. Credibility: With thousands of businesses transformed through my guidance, the results speak for themselves. You're not just investing in a course; you're investing in proven success.

Still thinking? Imagine reclaiming hundreds of hours a year—time you can spend scaling your business, enjoying your family, or just binge-watching that Netflix series guilt-free.

Ready to turn your Airtable dread into Airtable cred?

Enroll in the Airtable Automation Accelerator course and go from Airtable Amateur to Automation Avenger, faster than you can say "Spreadsheet Apocalypse"!



4 Payments

Time Released Access To...

  • Seven Hours of Video Tutorials
  • Two Hours of Bonus Content
  • 24/7 Access to AI Help Bot
  • 6 Months Weekly Group Coaching




Immediate Access To...

  • Seven Hours of Video Tutorials
  • Two Hours of Bonus Content
  • 24/7 Access to AI Help Bot
  • 6 Months Weekly Group Coaching

A leading team of Airtable, SmartSuite, and other no-code experts. Here to help you use no-code to it's maximum potential.


✉️  [email protected]
⌦ Denver, Colorado